S A T U R D A Y S C H O O L | C H E A M H I G H S C H O O L
LOVE THEATRE ARTS is a well-structured, welcoming Saturday school, which engages children of ages 2 – 18 into the world of theatre. We concentrate on the three main disciplines of musical theatre, Singing, Dancing and Acting in the hopes that children may want to continue to becoming a star after education. Our aim is to open the eyes of children to various opportunities they may wish to follow in the future.
To us theatre arts is a subject which every child must experience. LOVE THEATRE ARTS is a place whereby we help children practice co ordination, pronunciation, expression, speech, dialogue and many more key skills, which we all endeavour to have in every day life. We cannot express how important we value theatre arts as a subject, in our youth today.
The training/teaching our teachers will be showing towards the children is nothing short of what they have been taught themselves. All of our teachers have been trained to an extremely high standard and have worked with teaching children musical theatre previously and have worked within the industry. All of our teachers are qualified and DBS checked.
It is our policy at LOVE THEATRE ARTS for children to have lots and lots fun! We want children and parents to be proud of what they and their children have achieved in our classes. At the end of every term we will showcase all of the work the children have been working on in a small scale production for parents to see their children’s progress. We also biannually put on a huge production for all students to experience the Stage, under lights and in front of a full audience.
Our location is in the wonderful grounds of Cheam High school. We are based within the Large dance studios which offers a great space to be able to move and dance, it also allows us a great space where we can put on small scale productions and end of term showcases.

AGES 2 - 4
09:15 - 10:00
per term

AGES 4 - 7
10:00 - 11:30
per term

AGES 8 - 11
11:30 - 13:30
per term

AGES 12 - 15
13:30 - 15:30
per term

AGES 16+
15:30 - 17:30
per term