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L O V E   T O   A C T 

Love Theatre Arts offers a class called ‘LOVE TO ACT’ educating students into the basics of ‘What Makes A Great Actor’.


17:00 - 20:30 | 8 - 18


Cheam High School


We will be delving into the world of theatre, by looking in depth at Improvisation, Creating Scenes, Characterisation, Stanislavsky Methods & Devising, with numerous talks from industry professionals. The lessons will be treated like workshops, where not only these skills will be enhanced further, but will also look to educate the students with a variety of other modules including Stand Up Comedy, Mime, Audition Technique, Stage and Screen Writing & Directing & Management, all lead by professionals in their own field . The end goal will be to take a production to a fringe festival, for paying audiences to watch and/or work in collaboration with the National Youth Connections (Older Class), writing competitions and the like.

It is an opportunity not to be missed!




20 students, so please make sure you book quickly to avoid disappointment.

To sign up, please click the button below and fill out the form with the appropriate details!

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